I love software and I’ve been working professionally as a software engineer since…. egad…. 1981. Eeeks, it’s true.
However, I’ve done a bunch, and still do, and love to code. I don’t believe for a minute you ever lose your programming ability. At 58, I am writing some of the best code I’ve ever written, people are using it, and I’m learning new stuff every day. So if you ever feel over-the-hill, don’t. We live in the most amazing time where you can do remarkable things from the comfort of an easy-chair at your house. Seize the day.
My Linked-In Page is the best place to find out about what I’ve done, and I also have a one-stop personal launch page that I keep updated.
I love a lot besides software. I have a food blog, love scuba diving with my life-long friend and companion Grace, and love to cook mostly because it empowers me to control what I eat. Also, meals are a wonderful project. Planned, on-time, and on-budget every single time.